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时间:2010-12-03 05:21来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

thin film strain gauge,薄膜式应变计
thin layer chromatography,薄层色谱法
thin orifice plate,薄孔板
third octave filter,1/3 倍频程滤波器
third-octave filter set,1/3 倍频程滤波器组
Thomson (double) bridge,汤姆生(双臂)电桥
Thomson coefficient,汤姆生系数
Thomson effect,汤姆生效应
Thomson heat,汤姆生热
threaded bezel ring,螺纹盖环
threaded ends,螺纹连接端
threaded window,螺纹观察窗
three angular array,三角阵
three component blance,三分力天平
three-step control,三位控制
three-step controller,三位控制器
three-terminal measuring,三端测量
three-terminal standard resistor,三端(钮)标准电阻器
threshold of audibility,可听阈
threshold of pain,痛阈
threshold speed,起始流速
threshold unit,门槛单元
throttling device,节流装置
throttling element,节流件
tidal height,潮高
tidal height datum plane of the station,测站潮高基准面
tidal observatory,验潮站
tadal range,潮差
tide gauge,验潮仪
tide gauge well,验潮井
tide staff,验潮杆;水尺
tight ion source,封闭式离子源
time base,时间轴;时基
time-base pressing circuit,时基压缩电路
time constant,时间常数
time constant index,时间常数指数
time constant of strain instruments,应变仪时间常数
time delay,时延
time delay system,时滞系统
time-derived channel,时分信道
time-division multiplexing,时分多路转换
time domain,时域
time domain analysis,时域分析
time domain induced polarization instrument,时间域激电仪
time domain matrix,时域矩阵
time domain matrix method,时域矩阵法
time domain method,时域法
time domain model reduction method,时域模型降价法
time-of-flight mass spectrometer,飞行时间质谱计
time-of-flight ultrasonic flowmeter,传播时间式超声流量计
time of passage of tracer cloud,示踪云通过时间
time of recovery temperature,温度回复时间
time optimal control,时间最优控制
time-oriented sequential control,时间定序顺序控制
time per point,每点时间
time program,时间程序
time proportioning control,时间比例控制
time response,时间响应
time scale factor,时间比例尺
time schedule controller,时序控制器
time series analysis,时间序列分析
time shared control,分时控制
time-sharing control,分时控制
time-varying parameter,时变参数
time-varying system,时变系统
timer error,时标误差
timing factor,标定系数
tin oxide series gas sensor SnO<font size="1">2 </font>,系气敏元件
tipping-bucket rain recorder,翻斗式雨量计
tipping-bucket raingauge,翻斗式雨量计
titration curve,滴定曲线
token bus,令牌总线
token passing procedure,令牌传递规程
tolerance between forward and backward in indicating value,示值进回程差
tomography,X 射线层析照相术
top and bottom guiding,顶底导向
top-down development,自上而下开发
top-down testing,自上而下测试
top guiding,顶导向
top-loading balance,上皿天平
top-loading thermobalance,上皿式热天平
topological structure,拓朴结构
toroidal throat Venturi nozzle,喇叭口喉部文丘里喷嘴
torque magnetometer,转矩磁强计
torque transducer [sensor],力矩传感器;转矩传感器
torque variator,力矩变换器
torque limit switch,力矩开关
torque magnetometr,转矩磁强计
torque transducer,转矩传感器
torsion balance,扭秤;扭力天平
torsion testing machine,扭转试验机
torsional braid analysis,扭辫分析
torsional braid analysis apparatus,扭辫分析仪
torsional shear strain,扭应变
torsional vibration,扭转振动
total cloud cover,总云量
(total) conversion time,(全部)转换时间
total counts of acoustic emission,声发射总数
total emissivity,全发射率
total harmonic distortion,总谐波失真
total immersion thermometer,全浸温度计
total ion chromatogram,总离子色谱图
total load,总负荷
total number of divisions,分格数
total organic carbon analyzer for seaswter,海水总有机碳测定仪
total pressure,总压
total pressure Pitor tube,总压皮托管
total pressure tapping,总压取压孔
total pressure tube,全压管
total quality control (TQC),全面质量管理
total radiation,全辐射
total radiation thermometry,全辐射测温法
total reponse time,全响应时间
total weight,累计称量
total weight,累计称量
totalizing instrument,总计仪器仪表
totalizing snowmeter,累计雪量计
towed STD system,拖曳式温盐深剖面仪
towed underwater TV-camera system,拖曳式水下电视摄像系统
towing depth distance recorder,曳航深度距离记录仪
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