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时间:2010-12-03 05:21来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

maximum ballistic scanning,最大冲击拂掠
maximum capacity,最大称量
maximum cyclic load,最大循环负荷
maximum cyclic stress,最大循环应力
maximum displacement,最大位移
maximum excitation,最大激励
maximum floating voltage,最大浮置电压
maximum flow-rate,最大流量
maximum load of the test,最大试验负荷
maximum load of the testing machine,试验机最大负荷
maximum operating pressure differential,最大工作压差
maximum operationg water depth,最大工作(水)深度
maximum output inductance,最大输出电感
maximum output resistance,最大输出电阻
maximum overshoot,最大超调量
maximum peneration power,最大穿透力
maximum power supply voltage,最高电源电压
maximum principle,极大值原理;最大值原理
maximum profit programming,最大利润规划
maximum rated circumferential magnetizing current, 额定周向磁化电流;最大周向磁
maximum rated force under sinusoidal conditions,正弦态最大激振力
maximum revolutions of output shaft,输出轴最大转数
maximum scale value,标度终点值
maximum sound pressure level of microphone,传声器最高声压级
maximum strain,最大应变
maximum temperature,最高温度
maximum thermometer,最高温度计;最高温度表
maximum transverse load,最大横向负荷
maximum velocity,最大速度
maximum wind speed,最大风速
maximum working pressure(MWP),最大工作压力
McLeod vacuum gauge,麦氏真空计
mean availability,平均轴就流体速度
mean dynamic pressure in a cross-section,横截面内的平均动压
(mean) effective mavelength,(平均)有效波长
mean flow-rate,平均流量
mean life,平均寿命
mean linear velocity of mobile phase,流动相平均线速
mean load,平均负荷
mean repair time(MRT),平均修理时间
mean squared spectral density,均方谱密度
mean strain,平均应变
mean stress,平均应力
mean time between failures(MTBF),平均失效间隔时间
mean time to failure(MTTF),平均失效前时间
mean time to restoration,平均体膨胀系数
meantime auto-spectrometer,同时式自动光谱仪
measured object,被测对象
measured quantiry,被测量
(measure)target,(被测)目标measured value,被测值
measured variable,被测变量
measurement hardware,测量硬件
measurement of directional response pattern,指向性响应图案测量
measurement of exciting force,激振力的测量
measurement of vibration quantity,振动量的测量
measurement procedure,测量步骤
measurement signal,测量信号
measurement standand,测量标准(器)
measurement time,测量时间
measuring amplifier,测量放大器
measuring bridge,测量电桥
measuring current transformer,测量用电流互感器
measuring distance,测量距离
measuring element(of an electro-mechanical measuring instrument), (电-机械测量
measuring equipment,测量装置;测量设备
measuring hole,测量孔
measuring indication system,测量指示装置
measuring instrument,测量(仪器)仪表;测量器具
measuring instrument with circuit control device,带有电路控制器件的测量仪表
measuring microphone,测试传声器
measuring plane,测量平面
measuring point for the humidity,湿度测定点
measuring point for the temperature,温度测定点
measuring range,测量范围
measuring range higher limit,测量范围上限值
measuring range lower limit,测量范围下限值
measuring section,测量段
measuring spark gap,测量球隙
measuring system,测量系统
measuring terminal,测量端
measuring time,测量时间
measuring transducer(with electrical output),(电量输出)测量变换器
measuring voltage transformer,测量用电压互感器
mechanical bathythermograph(MBT),机械式深温计
mechanical hygrometer,机械湿度计
mechanical impedance,机械阻抗
mechanical properties,机械性能
mechanical quantity,机械量
mechanical quantity transducer[sensor],力学量传感器
mechanical regulator,机械稳速器
mechanical resonance,机械共振
mechanical resonance frequency of the moving element,运动部件机械共振频率
mechanical resonance frequency of the moving element suspension, 运动部件悬挂机

mechanical runout,机械脱出
mechanical sensor,力敏元件
mechanical shock,机械冲击
mechanical strain,机械应变
mechanical structure type transducer[sensor],结构型传感器
mechanical test,机械性能试验
mechanical testing machine,机械式试验机
mechanical top-loading balance,机械式上皿天平
mechanical vibration,(机械)振动
mechanical vibrator,机械振动器
mechanical vibraometer,机械测振仪
mechanical zero,机械零位
mechanical zero adjuxter,机械零位调节器
mechanism model,机理模型
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