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时间:2010-12-03 05:21来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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parity check,奇偶校验
partial failure,部分失效
partial immersion,thermometer,局浸温度计
partial pressure gauge (PPG),分压强计
partial radiation thermometer,部分辐射温度计
partition chromatography,分配色谱法
partition coefficient,分配系数
partition isothem,分配等温线
part-turn electric actuator,角行程电动执行机构
pass-line deflection,跑偏
passing unregistered gas (PUG),漏记气体
passive remote sensing,被动遥感
passive transducer [sensor],无源传感器
path frame,通路帧
path protocol,通路协议
path unit,通路单元
pattern coefficient,图型系数
pattern recognition,模式识别
peak area,峰面积
peak base,峰底
peak detector,峰值检波器
peak distortion,谱峰畸变
peak energy,峰能量
peak height,峰高
peak identification,谱峰鉴别
peak matching,峰匹配
peak of noise,噪声高度
peak overlap,谱峰重叠
peak point,峰顶(点)
peak separation,峰距
peak shape factor,峰形系数
peak sound pressure,峰值声压
peak stripping,谱峰剥离
peak temperature,峰温度
peak time,峰值时间
peak-to-peak value,峰峰值
peak-to-peak value of displacement,峰-峰值位移
peak (top) flatness,峰顶平直度
peak transmittance,峰值透过率
peak value,峰值
peak value of humidity,湿度峰值
peak value of temperature,温度峰值
peak voltmeter,峰值电压表
peak wavelength,峰值波长
peak width,峰宽
peak width at half height,半高峰宽
Peltier coefficient,珀尔帖系数
Peltier heat,珀尔帖热
pen recorder,笔式记录仪
pen rising mechanism,抬笔机构
pendulum impact testing machine,摆锤式冲击试验机
pendulum meter,摆仪
pendulum striking edge,摆锤冲击刀刃
penetrant inspection unit,渗透液清洗剂
penetrant testing method,渗透探伤法
Penning gauge,冷阴极电离规;潘宁规
percentage of theoretical slope (PTS),百分理论斜率
performance characteristics,性能特性
performance evaluation,性能指标
periodic and random deviations(PARD),周期和随机偏差
periodic damping,周期阻尼;欠阻尼
periodic test,定期试验
periodic vibration,周期振动
periodic waves marker,周期波时标
peripheral control unit,外围设备控制器
peripheral equipment,外围设备
peripheral flow-rate,周缘流量
peripheral interface adapter(PIA),外围接口适配器
peripheral transfer,外围传送
peristaltic multi-channel pump,多通道蠕动泵
permanent flow-rate,常设流量
permanent-magnet-coil instrument,永磁动圈式[磁电系]仪表
permanent magnetic lens,永磁透镜
permanent-magnet movingcoil galvanometer,永磁动圈式[磁电系]检流计[振动子]
permeability tube,渗透管
permissible cumulative discharge of standard cell,标准电池允许累计放电量
permissible discharge of standard cell,标准电池允许放电量
persistent wave NMR spectroscope,边疆波核磁共振波谱仪
personal error,人为误差
petroleum oil detection buoy system,石油探测浮标系统
pH electrode assembly,pH 复合电极
pH meter,pH 计
pH transducer [sensor],pH 传感器
pH value,pH 值
phase analysis,相位分析
phase angle,相角
phase angle stabilization,相角稳定
phase contrast,位相衬度
phase controlled circuit breaker,断电相位控制器
phase datum mark,相位基准标记
phase detection,相位检测
phase detector,鉴相器
phase difference,相位差
phase difference torque transducer,相位差式转矩传感器
phase displacement,相位差;角误差
plase distance meter,相位式测距仪
phase indicator,相位指示器
phase lage,相位滞后
phase lead,相位超前
phase locus,相轨迹
phase margin,相位裕度
phase measurement,相位的测量
phase meter,相位表
phase modulation (PM),相位调制;调相
phase of unbalance,不平衡相位
phase plane,相平面
phase plane portrait,相平面图
phase ratio,相比率
phase reference generator,参考相位发生器
phase response,相位响应
phase sensitive detector,相敏检波器
phase sequence indicator,相序指示器
phase space,相空间
phase trajectory,相轨迹
phase transition,相变
phase variable,相变量
phase-continuous FSK,相位连续FSK
phase-crossover frequency,相位交越频率
phase-frequency characteristics,相频特性
phase-shift ultrasonic flowmeter,相移式超声流量计
photo conduction tube,光导管
photo electron spectroscopy (PES),光电子能谱法
photo-electrical coded compass,光电码罗盘
photo-electrostatic display recorder,感光静电显示记录仪
photo ionization,光电离
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