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时间:2010-12-03 05:21来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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hand ancmometer,手持风速表
handy digital tachometer,手持式数字转速表
hanging mercury electrode,悬汞电极
hard bearing balancing machine,硬支承平衡机
hardness prnetrator,硬度压头
hardness tester,硬度计
hardness transducer[sensor],硬度传感器
harmonic analysis,谐波分析
harmonic content,谐波含量
harmonic content of an a.c.power supply,交流电源的谐波含量
harmonic wave,谐波
harmonious control,和谐控制
harmonious deviation,和谐偏差
harmonious strategy,和谐策略
harmonious variable,和谐变量
HART Communication Foundation,HART 通信基金会
hazardous substances mark,危险品包装标志
head space gas chromatography,顶空气相色谱法
header byte,首标字节
heart sound transducer[sensor],心音传感器
heat-capacity mapping mission(HCMM)热容量制图卫星
heat conducting,导热
heat efficiency,热效率
heat flow meter,热流计
heat-flux differential scanning calorimeter,热流型差示扫描量热仪
heat-flux differential scanning calorimetry,热流型差示扫描量热法
heat flux transducer[sensor],热流传感器
heat of combustion,燃烧热
heat treated glass window,热处理玻璃观察窗
heat unit(HU),热单位
heat value,热值
heated and/or cooled enclosed location,升温和[或]降温封闭场所
heater characteristic of X-ray tube,X 射线管灯丝特性
heating by far infra-red radiation,远红外辐射加热
heating curves,加热曲线
heating curve determination,升温曲线测定
heating curve determinaiton apparatus,升温曲线测定仪
heating element,加热器;加热元件
heating quantity of bomb cylinder,弹筒发热量
heating quantity of constant capacity on high position,恒容高位发热量
heating rate,升温速率
heating rate curves,加热速率曲线
heavy and streamlined fish,重型流线型拖曳体
height equivalent to a theoretical plate,理论板高
height of tide,潮高
helical bellows,螺旋波纹管
helium mass spectrometer leak detector,氦质谱检漏仪
helium survey,氦气测量
Helmholtz coils,亥姆霍兹线圈
Helmholtz resonator,亥姆霍蒋共鸣器
hermetically sealed enclosure(Ex h),气密外壳(Ex h)
heterodyne analyzer,外差式分析仪
heteronuclear lock signal,异核锁信号
hierarchical chart,层次结构图
hierarchical control,递阶控制
hierarchical intelligence,分级智能
hierarchical parameter estimation,递阶参数估计
hierarchical planning,递阶规划
hierarchical structure,递阶结构
hierarchical system,分级系统;递阶系统
high dispersion diffraction image,高分散衍射象
high dynamic strain indicator,超动态应变仪
high e.m.f.potentiometer,高电热电位差计
high electron energy diffractometer(HEED),高能电子衍射仪
high[elevated]temperature testing machine,高温试验机
high elongation strain gauge,大应变应变计
high energy varistor,高能电压敏电阻器
high energy X-rays,高能X 射线
high frequency dielectric splitter,高频介电分选仪
high frequency fatigue testing machine,高频疲劳试验机
high-frequency titration,高频滴定
high frequency varistor,高频电压敏电阻器
high-level language,高级语言
high limiting control,上限控制
high-low action,高低作用
high-low signal selector,高低信号选择器
high-low temperature chamber,温度交变试验箱
high performance liquid chromatograph,高效液相色谱仪
high performance scanning electron microscope,高性能扫描电子显微镜
high polymer microphone,高聚物传声器
high pressure DTA unit,高压差式热分析仪
high-revovery valve,高压力恢复阀
high resolution diffraction attachment,高分辨衍射附件
high resolution diffraction image,高分辨衍射象
high resolution electron microscope,高分辨电子显微镜
high-resolution mass spectroscope,高分辨质谱仪器
high-resolution NMR spectrometer,高分辨核磁共振波谱仪
high-resolution NMR spectroscope,高分辨率核工业磁共振波谱仪
high resolution visible(HRV)image instrument,高分辨率图像仪
high speed balancing,高速平衡
high speed balancing installation,高速平衡设备
high speed liquid chromatography,高速液相色谱法
high speed simulation,快速仿真
high temperature device,高温装置
high temperature strain gauge,高温应变计
high temperature test,高温试验
high temperature test chamber,高温试验箱
high temperature testing machine,高温试验机
high temperaturethermistor,高温处理
high tension loop,高压回路
high vavuum,高真空
high value standard resistor,高阻标准电阻器
high voltage bridge,高压电桥
high-voltage calbe,高压电缆
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