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时间:2010-10-20 17:01来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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b. If In-Flight ........................................... CONTINUE, MONITOR
If pressure high:
a. Oil Temperature Gage ................................................. CHECK
If temperature low:
(1) Engine................................MONITOR OIL PRESS/TEMP
If temperature normal or high:
(1) If On-Ground.................... CORRECT PRIOR TO FLIGHT
(2) If In-Flight ..................... LAND AS SOON AS PRACTICAL
March 2010
3-18 Information Manual
Section 3 Cirrus Design
Emergency Procedures SR22
Oil Temperature High
OIL TEMP Warning
Oil temperature is greater than 240°F.
1. Oil Temperature Gage........................................................ CHECK
If temperature normal:
a. If On-Ground...........................CORRECT PRIOR TO FLIGHT
b. If In-Flight............................................ CONTINUE, MONITOR
If temperature high:
a. Oil Pressure Gage ....................................................... CHECK
If pressure normal:
(1) Power ..................................................................REDUCE
(2) Airspeed.......................................................... INCREASE
(3) Oil Temperature Gage.......................................MONITOR
If low, See Oil Pressure Out of Range - OIL PRESS
Warning checklist.
Engine Speed High
RPM Warning: Engine Speed High
Engine speed is between 2710 RPM and 2730 RPM for 10 seconds or
more, OR engine speed is above 2730 RPM for 5 seconds or more.
1. Tachometer ........................................................................ CHECK
If engine speed normal:
a. If On-Ground...........................CORRECT PRIOR TO FLIGHT
b. If In-Flight............................................ CONTINUE, MONITOR
If engine speed high:
a. Power.........................................................................REDUCE
b. Airspeed ........................ REDUCE UNTIL RPM BELOW 2700
2. Oil Pressure Gage ............................................................. CHECK
March 2010
Cirrus Design Section 3
SR22 Emergency Procedures
Information Manual 3-19
High Cylinder Head Temperature
CHT Caution and Warning
CHT Warning: Temperature of one or more cylinder heads has
exceeded 460°F.
CHT Caution: Temperature of one or more cylinder heads has
exceeded 420°F.
1. Power Lever .....................................................................REDUCE
2. Annunciations and Engine Temperatures ......................MONITOR
If Caution or Warning annunciation is still illuminated:
3. Power Lever ................................................MINIMUM REQUIRED
4. Flight ......................................................................... PROHIBITED
1. Power Lever .....................................................................REDUCE
2. Airspeed .......................................................................INCREASE
3. Annunciations and Engine Temperatures ......................MONITOR
If Caution or Warning annunciation is still illuminated:
4. Power Lever ...............................................MINIMUM REQUIRED
5. Engine Instruments .......................................................MONITOR
If Caution annunciation only remains illuminated:
a. Land as soon as practical.
If Warning annunciation remains illuminated:
a. Land as soon as possible.
March 2010
3-20 Information Manual
Section 3 Cirrus Design
Emergency Procedures SR22
Engine Partial Power Loss
Indications of a partial power loss include fluctuating RPM, reduced or
fluctuating manifold pressure, low oil pressure, high oil temperature,
and a rough-sounding or rough-running engine. Mild engine
roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs
becoming fouled. A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is usually
evidence of a magneto malfunction.
• Note •
Low oil pressure may be indicative of an imminent engine
failure. See Oil Pressure Out of Range - OIL PRESS Warning
in this section for special procedures with low oil pressure.
• Note •
A damaged (out-of-balance) propeller may cause extremely
rough operation. If an out-of-balance propeller is suspected,
immediately shut down engine and perform Forced Landing
If a partial engine failure permits level flight, land at a suitable airfield
as soon as conditions permit. If conditions do not permit safe level
flight, use partial power as necessary to set up a forced landing
pattern over a suitable landing field. Always be prepared for a
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本文链接地址:西锐20飞机信息手册 SR22 AIRPLANE INFORMATION MANUAL 2979(18)