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时间:2011-09-06 10:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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All PIREPs and requests for speed and altitude changes originate in the MIDAS Flight Crew and are passed to the Controller through the RFS Flight Crew and Communication channel agents, the same pathway through which, in reverse, Controller responses and instructions are passed to the MIDAS Flight Crew.  A PIREP is assumed to be issued whenever an Aircraft experiences light, moderate, or severe turbulence or when the Flight Crew receives a Sensor alert.  Speed and altitude change requests are generated depending on the severity of the CAT experienced or the lookahead time of the alert received from the Sensor, as described more fully in Chapter V.
Each flight crew and its associated aircraft are linked into a unit in the sense that each AircraftOnRoute creates its own unique flight crew agent (RFSPilot).  The RFSPilot agent is only capable of passing communication messages; “reading” current position, speed, and next waypoint coordinates; and switching communication channels (for handoffs).  RFSPilot also serves as a wrapper for its more detailed human performance counterpart agent (MIDAS-FlightCrew), passing ATC messages and aircraft status and control actions back and forth to it. 
While it is AircraftOnRoute that actually sends and receives messages (representing the radio, sensor, and datalink equipment on board), the RFS and MIDAS pilot agents make the decisions on which messages to send in any given situation (if any) and when to send them.  RFSPilot, however, has a much more limited range of situations it can deal with than does MIDAS-FlightCrew.  Specifically, RFSPilot is instrumental in handoff of the aircraft from controller to controller as well as, in the absence of MIDAS-FlightCrew, in making AircraftOnRoute respond to ATC speed and altitude control commands that arrive via communication channels. 
The vocabulary of messages that each level of pilot model has available to it is limited, albeit expandable (see Figure IV-2).  For more on this, see the sections below on the surveillance, communications, and controller agents.
During the simulation, AircraftOnRoute is updated in the following manner.  First, at each update cycle an aircraft dynamics model within AircraftOnRoute determines the next position of the aircraft and its next update time.  The currently active turbulence events are then analyzed to see which, if any, the aircraft will encounter while on its current link (from the present position to the next waypoint).  The distances to the entry and exit points of any turbulence events that intersect the link are calculated, and the aircraft’s sensor agent, if it has one, determines if the actual distance is within its maximum detection range.  If it is, and if the turbulence event is of moderate or severe intensity, the sensor determines the time left to penetration and issues a CAT warning to RFSPilot.  In turn, RFSPilot issues a SensorPIREP, which AircraftOnRoute then transmits over the communication channel. 
The pilot is unaware of turbulence events until notified either by its AircraftOnRoute that the aircraft has entered a turbulence event, or that a turbulence event has appeared around the aircraft, or that the aircraft has left a turbulence event (into calm air or another turbulence event); or by the sensor.  When notified by AircraftOnRoute that it has entered turbulence, RFSPilot issues a PIREP, which AircraftOnRoute then transmits via the communication channel.
Finally, at the end of the time step, RFSPilot is updated on the aircraft position, next waypoint coordinates, and speed – information it passes on to the aircraft's corresponding MIDAS-FlightCrew.  At the end of the route, the AircraftOnRoute object is destroyed, along with its associated turbulence information, RFSPilot object, and sensor object.
Weather and Sensor
A half hour into the two-hour simulation a light clear-air turbulence event is launched by the Weather agent at a specific location in the study sector (as described in Chapter III).  Five minutes later a moderate CAT is launched within the bounds of the light one, and ten minutes after that (or 45 minutes into the simulation) a severe CAT is launched, again within the bounds of the moderate one.  Therefore, the CAT events are nested.  The turbulence events cease in reverse order, with the severe CAT ending at 75 minutes, the moderate CAT at 85 minutes, and the light CAT at 90 minutes.  All replications of all four experimental cases simulated with CAT use this same, fixed schedule; no randomness is assumed in the experimental design for this demonstration.
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