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时间:2011-09-22 17:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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  In order to advise ATC and other aircraft of the instructional nature of a flight, the word “trainer” (e.g., Cessna trainer 54321) may be added to flight plans and radio broadcasts. The use of “trainer” can also serve as an attention cue that helps guard against missed clearances and readbacks. ATC already employs enhanced callsigns with suffixes such as /R (RNAV) and /H (Heavy).
Drew, Charles, A. Scott, and R. Matchette. 1993. Delayed Pilot Recognition of Lost Communications Events. In Proceedings of the Seventh International OSU Aviation Psychology Symposium, 318-323. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
Morrison, Rowena, K. Etem, and B. Hicks. 1993. General Aviation Landing Incidents and Accidents: A Review of ASRS and AOPA Research Findings. In Proceedings of the Seventh International OSU Aviation Psychology Symposium, 975-980. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
The 1996 Nall Report: Accident Trends and Factors for 1995. 1996. AOPA Air Safety Foundation.
Orasanu, Judith. 1995. Situation Awareness: Its Role in Flight Crew Decision Making. In Proceedings of the Eighth International OSU Aviation Psychology Symposium, 734-739. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
Prince, Carolyn and R. Stout. 1995. Situation Awareness From the Team Perspective. In Proceedings of the Eighth International OSU Aviation Psychology Symposium, 740-744. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.


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