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时间:2011-10-22 14:10来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

For an occurrence involving intentional low altitude operations (e.g., crop dusting, aerial work operations close to obstacles, and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations close to water or ground surface) use the Low Altitude Operations (LALT) code instead of CFIT. 

Do not use this category for occurrences involving intentional flight into/toward terrain.  Code all collisions with obstacles during take-off and landing under TOL.  Code all suicides under Security Related (SEC) events. 

Do not use this category for occurrences involving runway undershoot/overshoot, which are classified as Undershoot/Overshoot (USOS).

Includes flying into terrain during transition into forward flight. 

For helicopter operations, not to be used for take-off and landing phases, except when the occurrence involves flying into terrain without indication of loss of control during transition into forward flight.




Occurrence where either; (a) person(s) are injured during an evacuation; (b) an unnecessary evacuation was performed; (c) evacuation equipment failed to perform as required; or (d) the evacuation contributed to the severity of the occurrence. 
Includes cases where an injury(ies) was (were) sustained during the evacuation through an emergency exit or main cabin door. 

Includes cases where the evacuation itself is the accident (in essence, had there not been an evacuation there would not have been an accident). 

An unnecessary evacuation is one that was either erroneously commanded by the crew or uncommanded.

Only used for passenger carrying operations involving transport category aircraft. 

Includes evacuation following a ditching or survivable crash landing in water provided one of the conditions above is met. 



Occurrences during or as a result of external load or external cargo operations. 
Usage Notes:
Includes cases where external load or the load lifting equipment used (e.g., long line, cable) contacts terrain, water surface, or objects.

Includes cases where the load or, in the absence of a load, the load lifting equipment strikes or becomes entangled with the main rotor, tail rotor, or the helicopter fuselage.

Includes injuries to ground crew handling external loads as result of contact
with/dropping/inadvertent release of external load. 

Includes ground injuries to ground crew handling external loads due to the downwash effect or falling branch, trees, etc. 

Includes external hoist, human external cargo, and long lines. 

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