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时间:2011-10-22 14:10来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

For icing-related events, which are also loss of control, code both LOC–I and ICE). 

If the loss of control is a direct result of a system/component failure or malfunction (SCF), code the occurrence as an SCF–NP, or SCF–PP only.  However, loss of control may follow less severe system/component failures, and in this case, code both categories. 

Cockpit crew vision-related events and flight in degraded visual environments (for example, obscuration, black hole approach events, brownouts, or whiteout events), where the aircraft is flown under control into terrain, water, or obstacles, are coded under CFIT, not LOC–I.




Usage Notes:
Applicable only to aircraft that rely on static lift to maintain or increase flight altitude, namely sailplanes, gliders, hang gliders and paragliders, balloons and airships. 

All static lift forms to be considered, including atmospheric lift, namely from Orographic, Thermal, Mountain Wave and Convergence Zone, and buoyancy lift namely from lighter than air gas or hot air.

Also include motorglider and paramotor aircraft if operating under static atmospheric lift conditions, and the engine could not be started. 

If the aircraft was flying intentionally at low height above the terrain, use LALT instead (typical cases occur with gliders in competition flying). 



Collision or near collision with obstacles/objects/terrain while intentionally operating near the surface (excludes takeoff or landing phases). 
Usage Notes:
‘Terrain’ includes water, vegetation, rocks, and other natural elements lying on, or growing out of, the earth.

Includes ostentatious display, maneuvering at low height, aerobatics, sightseeing, demonstration flights, aerial inspection, avalanche mining, human hoist or human cargo sling, search and rescue operations, aerial application, intentional helicopter operations close to obstacles during aerial work and scud running with airplanes (ducking under low visibility conditions).

Also includes intentional maneuvering in close proximity to cliffs, mountains, into box canyons, and similar flights where the aircraft aerodynamic capability is not sufficient to avoid impact. 

If there is a loss of control during low altitude operations, both loss of control – inflight (LOC–I) and LALT are coded.

NOTE: Excluding rotorcraft air taxi phase of flight on designated taxiways.



A veer off or overrun off the runway surface. 


Usage Notes:
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