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时间:2011-09-22 16:58来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Incorporate findings from this report into the update of the NJTPA long-range transportation plan scheduled for 2009.

Advance signage issues through state and county planners. Issues include location of placement, wayfinding, conformity of signage appearance, responsibility for sign placement and upkeep, penalties for defacement and unauthorized removal.

Cooperate and collaborate with NJDOT Bureau of Aeronautics on developing a regional general aviation airport signage program.

In cooperation with NJDOT, consider the findings of this report in the NJTPA's planning and annual decisions regarding capital improvement projects around the region.



Section 2. Profiles of NJTPA Region Core Airports
An integral task of this report was to profile the core airports in the NJTPA region. The following information and data was gathered through staff visits to the 19 airports in the region and conducting on-site interviews with their owners and/or managers.  Newark-Liberty Airport, predominantly a commercial service airport, was not profiled. The purpose of these site visits was to establish an understanding of the role of general aviation in the NJTPA region.  As part of this understanding, it became apparent in discussions with the NJDOT Bureau of Aeronautics and airport managers, that wayfinding to these airports was an area where the NJTPA could contribute to NJDOT, county and municipal efforts. Along with a narrative on each core airport, an aerial photograph of the airport property is provided, as is a locational map and a map depicting traffic volumes on adjacent major roadways.
 This report is not meant to supplant either federal or state regulations or policy concerning general aviation airport operations, or on-airport activities. The NJTPA will look to assist the state in airport preservation through its ongoing planning activities and the consideration of general access improvements as well as signage to the region’s GA airports.
[Files containing profiles of airports posted separately on www.njtpa.org]

End Notes
1 The Economic Impact of NEW Jersey Airports State Airport System Plan, Wilbur Smith Assocs. October 2003 2 NJDOT document “Airport Preservation Progress Benchmarks” 3 Report of the New Jersey General Aviation Study Commission-Commissioned Public Law 93 Chapter 336



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本文链接地址:OVERVIEW OF THE REGION 'S General Aviation Airports Final Report JUNE 2008(8)