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时间:2011-09-14 18:37来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Increase in accrued expenses 1,274 1,790
(Decrease)/increase in other liabilities (36) 245
Increase in deferred revenue 116 98
Increase/(decrease) in provision for major overhauls 262 (122)
Decrease in provision for early retirement benefits (51) (76)
Increase in deferred benefits and gains 34 148
Cash inflows from operations Interest received Interest paid Income tax paid  4,256 103 (2,805) (399)  9,698 73 (2,814) (88) 
N e t c a s h i n f l o w s f r o m o p e r a t i n g a c t i v i t i e s  1,155  6,869 



Notes to the Financial Statements
(Prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards) (Expressed in Renminbi)


China Southern Airlines Company Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the provision of domestic, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and international passenger, cargo and mail airline services.
The Company was established in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC” or “China”) on 25 March 1995 as a joint stock limited company as part of the reorganisation (the “Reorganisation”) of the Company’s holding company, China Southern Air Holding Company (“CSAHC”). CSAHC is a state-owned enterprise under the supervision of the PRC central government.
The Company’s H Shares and American Depositary Receipts (“ADR”) (each ADR representing 50 H Shares) have been listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the New York Stock Exchange, respectively since July 1997. In July 2003, the Company issued 1,000,000,000 A Shares which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
The 2007 bonus share issue of 2,187,089,000 shares, by the conversion of share premium to share capital, was implemented in August 2008.

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”), which collective term includes all applicable individual International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards (“IASs”) and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the “IASB”). These financial statements also comply with the applicable disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and the applicable disclosure provisions of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Note 3 provides information on the impact of the new and revised IFRSs and interpretations that are first effective for the current accounting period and the changes in accounting policies for the current and prior accounting periods reflected in these financial statements.
(b) Basis of preparation of the financial statements At 31 December 2008, the Group’s current liabilities exceeded its current assets by RMB32,290 million, which includes bank and other loans repayable within one year of RMB22,178 million. In preparing the financial statements, the directors have considered the Group’s sources of liquidity and believe that adequate funding is available to fulfil the Group’s short-term obligations and capital expenditure requirements. Accordingly, the financial statements have been prepared on a basis that the Group will be able to continue as a going concern. Further details are set out in Note 48(a).
The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries and the Group’s interest in associates and jointly controlled entities.


(Prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards) (Expressed in Renminbi)

Notes to the Financial Statements
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