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时间:2011-10-22 14:09来源:未知 作者:航空
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parking position.
• Taxi to Runway: Commences when the aircraft begins to move under its own power leaving
the gate, ramp, apron, or parking area, and terminates upon reaching the runway.
• Taxi to Takeoff Position: From entering the runway until reaching the takeoff position.
• Taxi from Runway: Begins upon exiting the landing runway and terminates upon arrival at
the gate, ramp, apron, or parking area, when the aircraft ceases to move under its own power.
Usage Notes:
• Throughout this document the term runway or landing area is taken in its broadest sense and
includes runways, landing strips, waterways, unimproved landing areas, and landing pads,
(which may include offshore platforms, building roofs, roads, ships, and fields), or other
intended landing areas.
• Taxiing includes air taxiing for rotorcraft.
Page Revised 10/2011 Page 4
From the application of takeoff power, through rotation and to an altitude of 35 feet above
runway elevation.
This phase of flight includes the following sub-phases:
• Takeoff. From the application of takeoff power, through rotation and to an altitude of 35 feet
above runway elevation or until gear-up selection, whichever comes first.
• Rejected Takeoff. During Takeoff, from the point where the decision to abort has been taken
until the aircraft begins to taxi from the runway.
Usage Notes:
• Landback during rotorcraft operations is considered a rejected takeoff.
• The take-off phase for rotorcraft operations can include rearward flight of the helicopter.
• For rotorcraft operations, take-off is also subject to the achievement of a positive climb
gradient and of an appropriate take-off safety speed determined with the Helicopter
Flight Manual.
• For unmanned aircraft systems, includes launching via systems such as a catapult.
From the end of the Takeoff sub-phase to the first prescribed power reduction, or until
reaching 1,000 feet above runway elevation or the VFR pattern, whichever comes first.
Page Revised 2/2006 Page 5
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR): From completion of Initial Climb through cruise altitude
and completion of controlled descent to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF).
Visual Flight Rules (VFR): From completion of Initial Climb through cruise and
controlled descent to the VFR pattern altitude or 1,000 feet above runway elevation,
whichever comes first.
This phase of flight includes the following sub-phases:
• Climb to Cruise: IFR: From completion of Initial Climb to arrival at initial assigned cruise
altitude. VFR: From completion of Initial Climb to initial cruise altitude.
• Cruise: Any level flight segment after arrival at initial cruise altitude until the start of
descent to the destination.
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