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时间:2010-09-24 19:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

provide to our nearly 40 million annual customers
throughout our network.
Our “Pulse” survey of employee satisfaction and
engagement produced positive results. 74% of employees
responded by completing the survey. Our people
differentiate easyJet from our competitors and we have
a very pleasing 82% satisfaction level. This translated into
a substantially higher crew retention rate.
Looking forward, for this winter we expect total
revenue per seat to be broadly in line with last winter.
For summer 2008 we expect the effect of annualising
APD, checked bag charges and growing ancillary
revenues to result in total revenue per seat being ahead
of the previous summer. High fuel costs will be partly
offset by the weak US dollar however we anticipate
an overall increase in sterling unit fuel costs. Unit costs
excluding fuel are anticipated to be similar to last year.
The fuel environment remains challenging; however, we
believe the easyJet business model is resilient and well
positioned for success. Over the past two years we
have significantly increased profitability and in the
current financial year the Board anticipates an increase
in underlying profit before tax of around 20%.
The above outlook excludes the proposed acquisition of
GB Airways. We anticipate the acquisition to complete
no later than 31 January 2008. Excluding one-off costs
of around £12 million we expect the acquisition to be
earnings enhancing in the current financial year.
We’re turning Europe orange...
pound by
pound and
euro by euro
Total revenue
increased 11%
to £1.8 billion
with a growing
emphasis on
European sales
Revenue by currency
£ 59%
J 33%
Other 8%
12 easyJet plc
Annual report and accounts 2007
13 easyJet plc
Annual report and accounts 2007
Consolidated financial and operating data
(unaudited) 2007 2006 Change %
Key performance indicators
Return on equity (headline) 14.3% 10.1% 4.2pp
Return on equity (underlying*) 13.6% 10.1% 3.5pp
Profit before tax per seat (headline) (£) 4.54 3.32 36.7
Profit before tax per seat (underlying*) (£) 4.30 3.32 29.5
Revenue per seat (£) 40.42 41.66 (3.0)
Cost per seat (£) 36.12 38.34 (5.8)
Cost per seat excluding fuel (£) 26.55 28.36 (6.4)
Output measures
Seats flown (millions) 44.5 38.9 14.4
Passengers (millions) 37.2 33.0 13.0
Number of aircraft owned/leased at end of period 137 122 12.3
Sectors 287,952 253,548 13.6
Block hours 518,410 454,823 14.0
Number of routes operated at end of period 289 262 10.3
Number of airports served at end of period 77 74 4.1
Other performance measures
Load factor 83.7% 84.8% (1.1)pp
Operated aircraft utilisation (hours per day) 11.6 11.6 –
Available seat kilometres (“ASK”) (millions) 43,501 37,088 17.3
Revenue passenger kilometres (“RPK”) (millions) 36,976 31,621 16.9
Average sector length (kilometres) 978 954 2.5
Average fare (£) 43.68 45.17 (3.3)
Revenue per ASK (pence) 4.13 4.37 (5.5)
Cost per ASK (pence) 3.67 4.02 (8.7)
*Underlying financial performance excludes the effect of the reversal of the impairment of the Group’s investment in The Airline Group of £10.6 million.
Underlying profit before tax amounted to
£191.3 million, 48.1% higher than 2006, equating
to a profit per seat of £4.30, compared to £3.32
in 2006.
Jeff Carr
Finance Director
Financial review
Passenger revenue
Passenger revenue grew 9.2% to £1,626.0 million,
largely as a result of an increase in seats flown from
38.9 million to 44.5 million. A small reduction in load
factor from 84.8% in 2006 to 83.7% meant that
total passengers increased by 13.0% to 37.2 million.
The growth in passengers was supported by the
addition of 20 new aircraft in the year. The majority
of this growth was in continental Europe where we
grew capacity by 29.9%.
As a consequence of this European growth our
non-sterling revenues increased to 41.4% of total,
predominantly being euros and Swiss francs.
Average passenger yields in the year declined by 4.5%
per seat to £36.57 or 3.3% per passenger to £43.68.
This was partly market driven following high per seat
revenues in 2006 and partly the result of the initial
passenger reaction to the surprise doubling of APD
in the UK from £5 per departing passenger to £10.
To compensate for this easyJet increased its
promotional programme in the early summer
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